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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Precious Moments with Mom

Like me, my mother could not and for the most part would not sing.  I never remember hearing her sing at church even, but just reading along the Hymnals.  When my nephew Josh was around 2 she was singing him a lullaby and he said "Gramma what's that noise!"

My mother always wore this small, round, gold locket around her neck.  It was so tiny I don't think you could put anything in it.  Maybe that is why she never had anything in it.  I would sit on her lap and play with the necklace and touch the locket on her neck.  I'd ask her to open it so I could shut it over and over again. 

Even though she wasn't good at singing or so she thought - I still enjoyed hearing her sing to me.  She would sing me hush little baby all the time.  "Again Mommy, again!"  Sitting on her lap was one of my favorite places to be.

One of my favorite songs she sang to me I never have heard anyone else sing.  Even after all these years I still know all the words.  If you've heard the tune please let me know but here's how it goes:

"Up and down tomato town the windows are made of glass.  As I stepped in to Rachel's house there I met her at last.  Acquainted with _____(fill in name - which my mom would always pause so I could pick the name each time) Eric, a very fine young man.  He took her in the garden and sat her on his knee, and said my Darling Rachel, "Have you a kiss for me?" 

(then whoever is being sung to has to answer - if Yes the song continues with this)

"I love you, I love you I love you very much.  I love you, I love you, so come along with us."

(if Noooo)

"(My mom would always feign a shock and then) He took her by the seat of the pants and threw her in the sea, and that's the end of Rachel so come along with me." 

Still makes me giggle!

1 comment:

  1. So funny. My mother has been singing the same song to my son. I had never heard it before and googled it to see if I could find it.. but you're the only thing that came up. Mom's version is a little different... Up and DOwn tomato town, the windows are made of glass. I stepped into Henry's house, what a fine young lad. His first name was Henry, so catch him if you can, acquainted with Cara, what a fine young man." .
