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Saturday, March 13, 2010


When I was really little we had this strange plastic type vinyl coach and chair.  The chair was a dark green and the couch was black.  We must have been pretty young when I got rid of those as I only remember them in pictures. 

We got this brown plaid furniture set when I was still pretty small.  We had the couch with matching love seat and chair.  The couch opened up to a bed which I thought was the coolest thing ever.   Whenever my friend Marie White would sleep over we could open it up and sleep on it in the living room.  It was so cool.  It was neutral colors of browns and beige's. 

The chair and hassock nursed me through chicken pox and poison ivy.  Whenever I had those itchy symptoms I didn't feel comfortable in any position.  My mother put the hassock up against the chair and made a small kid size bed.  I had my blankets on me and I could just lay there in one position without moving.  For some reason I felt more comfortable on that chair than in my own bed. 

I got poison ivy often and for some reason it would always affect me mostly on my face.  Bed ridden and stuck on steroids for the week I'd lay around on my chair bed and watch TV all day.  I would watch the characters on the screen and envy their soft, smooth faces.  I would sop up the sap with my tissue and just sigh and hope that my face would not forever be this way. 

I didn't realize I was becoming attached to something so silly as a furniture set, until my parents bought a new set.  I went with them to the furniture store.  It was a cool place with so much to choose from.  I wandered around while they picked out their new set.  It was beige with a little wood trim showing.  It was pretty nice. 

When delivery day arrived they came to pick up our old furniture.  I didn't really mention anything because I was embarrassed to be attached to furniture, but I felt like they were taking a part of me away.  what was wrong with our old furniture?  Why did we need a new couch?  I just didn't understand it.

I had so much fun with that furniture set.  When the couch was opened up to a bed there was a fun tunnel underneath to make a fort.  There would be about 1 or 2 feet space in between the bed and the love seat.  We would drape a blanket to make a bigger tunnel.  What topped it off was taking one of my Mom's empty laundry baskets - the smaller round one - in the middle.  We would use it to pop our heads up and peek. 

So out went our old set and in came our new.  I was sad.  I think I even cried in my room by myself.  Sort of ashamed at myself for being so sad over furnature. 

1 comment:

  1. Keeping me captivated as should compile these into a book lady!!
